Become a member
Join FC PSV now
FC PSV is there to make every PSV fan's club feeling blossom. For fans who can't get enough of PSV and want to express their club preference in as many ways as possible. Who have PSV in their hearts. For football players, pre-schoolers, supporters and fans who want to get closer to the club.
Half-season rate
A full PSV FANclub membership costs €27.50 per season and runs from July 1 to June 30. So take advantage of the half-season rate now and become a member for €15 until the end of the season!
At the start, members are sent an FC PSV Magazine and a welcome gift. During the season they have access to exclusive events, 10% discount in the PSV FANstore and priority on match tickets. In addition, they will receive a new magazine every three months, sometimes with a gift! Click here for more information on the content of the memberships.
Complete the form below to sign up a new member and enjoy all the benefits that come with membership together. Want to give membership for a season as a gift? Then stop by the PSV FANstore or order a gift card online.