Press conference | 'Winning always gets harder and harder'

Press conference | 'Winning always gets harder and harder'
3 min

Head coach Peter Bosz was pleased with his team's victory in Alkmaar on Saturday night. He praised two players, but also admitted to being quite annoyed with the second half.

What did you think of the second half?
"The second half was disappointing and I was annoyed to death. The pace was way too slow. Somewhere I can imagine you think 'I want to keep the ball in the team and play it out professionally,' but I think you just have to make the third and fourth. I was annoyed by the fact that as a team we didn't bring in the second half what I see at practice and in the first half."

How do you look at Noa Lang 's play this match?
"I thought Noa played great. He gave the ball to Guus where the red card came from and scored a goal, I thought that was very good."

And how do you view Karsdorp's game?
"I am very satisfied with him. Today was the first time he started in the base, he did an excellent job."

Why was Noa substituted at halftime?
"He was able to play more, but we planned it that way. He made strides again today and was back in the base in a long time. As I just said, he has played very well, trained well the last two weeks and so I see he is on the right track."

Does it get harder and harder to keep that mental part up when you are so much better than other opponents?
"Winning always gets harder and harder. Opponents adjust to you, you can see that today. The number three in the Eredivisie plays at home and starts in a low block. They try to make it harder for you in many ways."

You have plenty to puzzle over the next few days towards Paris Saint-Germain I guess?
"That for sure. My main question is who can play at six, considering we don't know Schouten's situation yet. I won't hear that until tomorrow when he's looked at, but we have a lot of options for that position. For example, Mauro has played there, Ryan at FC Utrecht, and of course we also have our regular midfielders."