Psv U21 plays draw in entertaining game

Psv U21 plays draw in entertaining game
2 min

Psv U21 played a 3-3 draw against N.E.C. Nijmegen on Monday night. At the Philips Stadium, 656 visitors saw an entertaining game with six goals and two penalties. Paal received his second yellow card and thus red in the 90th minute.

Psv U21 got off to a lightning start against Nijmegen on Monday night. After 33 seconds Gudmundsson was awarded a penalty kick. The Icelander got behind the ball himself and shot: 1-0. Soon after, Laursen had a great chance to double the lead within five minutes. The outside player seemed to hesitate between a cross and a shot and lobbed the ball wide. After the good opening by Young PSV, the game went up and down. Both teams had a number of chances. After 23 minutes a N.E.C. chance resulted in the equalizer: Joppen headed the visitors next to Haar's team. After the equalizer, the visitors became more dangerous and had several chances. Room kept the promising team on their feet for a long time, but saw Van de Pavert score just before halftime: 1-2.

Room stopped a penalty kick Monday night Room stopped a penalty kick Monday night

Entertaining second half
Also in the second half, referee Kooij gave a penalty kick early on. Braken got behind the ball, but then missed. Room was in the right corner and could save. Twenty minutes later the goal was scored: Golla shot the 3-1 for the visitors. Soon after, PSV did something back: Lammers could easily shoot in a dropped ball and scored the tying goal. A quarter of an hour before time it was again Lammers who scored. The striker shot in after a nice dribble. In the closing stages, both teams went in search of the winning goal. It did not come, so Young PSV - N.E.C. ended in a 3-3 draw.

Line-up Young PSV
Room; Van Vlerken, Kardes, Obispo (C), Paal; Rigo (61/Mauro Junior), Gudmundsson (90/Carolina), Rosario; Lammers, Maher, Laursen (59/Malen).