October 31, 00:00
Willem II O14 logo
PSV O14 logo
  1. Match report

    From the beginning of the match, Willem II slumped and allowed PSV to make the play. PSV played sloppy and at too low a tempo in the early stages of the match. As a result, hardly any chances were created. The first chance of the match was in the 15th minute for the home club. A PSV free kick was turned away and in the counter attack Willem II had an excellent opportunity to score. Robin saved and prevented the goal. Five minutes later PSV finally found an opening in the home team's defense. Heritier played himself free on the edge of the penalty area and shot the 0-1. In the 25th minute, PSV even managed to double the score. A cross from Jayden was headed into the far corner by Joep, 0-2. Even though PSV was still playing at too low a tempo in this phase of the match, PSV was able to extend the score further in the 30th minute. Again a Jayden cross was this time shot in with the inside of the foot by Heritier in a controlled manner, 0-3. Willem II could do something back in the last minute of the first half. After poor defending by PSV, Willem II managed to shoot the 1-3.

    From the start of the second half, PSV took the initiative. The pace increased and PSV was more accurate in passing. This resulted in three good chances for PSV in the first five minutes, but they were not capitalized on. PSV needed the help of the home club to extend the score further. In the 41st minute, a corner by Ian was tapped into his own goal by a Willem II defender, 1-4. PSV then kept the home club under constant pressure but it took until the 56th minute before another goal was scored. Jayden played himself free on the edge of the penalty area and shot into the far corner to make it 1-5. A few minutes later a deep ball from Joost was finished off effectively by Ian, 1-6. In injury time, PSV managed to score two more goals. A free kick by Mathijs was headed in by Jayden, 1-7, and a cross by Amin was shot in by Jayden. This brought the final score to 1-8.

    Verhoeven, N. Munsters, Lonwijk, De Schutter, Van der Burgt (Cox), Tielemans, Bora Deyonge (Matuta La Nkenda Nosa), Verschut (Maatsen), Braaf, Nassoh (Doudah), J. Munsters (Antonisse).