October 31, 00:00
Orange White D1 logo
PSV D2 logo
  1. Match report

    Dear parents and players,

    I will keep it short today! Played a good game; gave little away at the back and pushed well in the second half when Oranje Wit could no longer keep up. Dordrecht held out for a long time (thanks in part to a good goalkeeper), but could not prevent PSV from stepping on the gas halfway through the second half and completely destroying Oranje Wit within fifteen minutes. And with dazzling football! Goalkeeper Ieke Scheerhoorn had little to do in the second half, but intervened a couple of times in the first half when the Dordrecht team made a breakthrough. One save most certainly prevented a goal against.

    Alright, I will limit myself to the goals (next time again a full report. Sorry for those not mentioned. Ymanuel Hurkmans, for example, who in the 12th minute sharply (and extremely useful!) blocks his opponent when Oranje Wit comes close to the PSV goal on éOne of its sparse breakaways. Or Roel van Linschooten who intervened decisively a few times in the center and sent a calm and good pass to the midfield. Or Twan Demin who in the first half gives a series of nice curling balls along the line allowing Mats to pass well on the right. And Ertem Bölükbas who again worked very hard today, closing many holes and disrupting Oranje Wit's build-up. Jeroen Swinkels made sure that his direct opponent hardly got a ball and was at the base of many an attack. Sorry that I don't mention you ):

    13th minute first half: Via Zohair Labyad the ball reaches Giovanni Nicolaas who gives a fine pass to Ties van den Eijnde. Ties plays himself free in the penalty area and slides the ball next to the goalkeeper into the far corner: 0-1.

    2nd minute of the second half: Matthias Verreth is brought down in the penalty area and Koen Vos takes the penalty without a scratch: 0-2.

    16th minute: Ties intercepts the ball on the left, Matthias picks it up and delivers the ball perfectly to Zohair, who shoots the ball expertly: 0-3.

    17th minute: A cross from Joey Konings reaches Matthias, who shoots the ball into the net: 0-4.

    23rd minute: Free kick from Mink Peeters to Matthias, who pushed the ball past the goalkeeper: 0-5.

    25th minute: A nice combination between Mink and Mats Grotenbreg. Mats lays nicely wide to Matthias who tucks in the ball nicely: 0-6.

    27th minute: Joey is brought down in the penalty area. Matthias scores the penalty: 0-7.