Jan. 31, 00:00
PSV O13 logo
SC Cambuur O13 logo
  1. Match report

    PSV was stronger than the visitors in the beginning of the match. This produced a few possibilities but no real chances. The first serious opportunity was in the tenth minute for Cambuur from a free kick just outside the penalty area. However, the ball was shot just wide. The first real chance for PSV yielded the lead immediately. A corner by Joep was headed in by the free Jeremy, 1-0. PSV could not really push forward after that. The visitors had no chances because PSV was well organized. The visitors had the next opportunity to score. This time again from a free kick. The tightly taken free kick was tapped out of the bottom corner by Peter. In the 26th minute PSV had the opportunity to extend their lead. However, Jayden's effort was cleared off the goal line. One minute before halftime the visitors equalized. A free kick from outside the penalty area was shot into the far corner, 1-1.

    PSV started the second half strongly and within two minutes PSV had two chances to take the lead. Both chances were not taken. In the 35th minute, PSV took the lead again from a corner. The corner, taken by Joep, was headed in by Nigel, 2-1. PSV had a few chances but only a ball by Heritier against the crossbar. PSV saved the best until the end. In the 50th minute Jeremy was brought down in the penalty area. Jeremy took the penalty kick himself, marking the 3-1. Two minutes later a long-distance shot by Joost went just over. In the 54th minute Jayden played himself free and shot into the far corner, 4-1. One minute later it was again Jayden who scored. A cross from Niek ended up with Jayden who shot 5-1. This was also the final score.

    Strijbosch (Verhoeven), N. Munsters (Cox), Lonwijk (De Schutter), Matuta La Nkenda Nosa, Doudah (Antonisse), De Schutter (Verschut), Antonisse (Braaf), Tielemans (Nassoh/Tielemans), Clabbers (Van der Burgt), J. Munsters (N. Munsters), Van der Burgt (Bora Deyonge).