August 30, 00:00
JVOZ D1 logo
PSV O13 logo
  1. Match report

    In this cup match, PSV took control from the beginning of the match. PSV emphatically looked for the attack and JVOZ had to fight back. In the fifth minute PSV got a corner after an action of Amin on the left side of the field. The corner was taken by Mohamed and headed in by Nigel 0-1. PSV continued the same way but JVOZ recovered partly because PSV started to play sloppily. Because of PSV's sloppy play, JVOZ started to play better after 15 minutes without creating any real chances. PSV could not find the free man anymore so the game mainly took place in midfield. Three minutes before half time JVOZ had an excellent opportunity to equalize. Peter got out of his goal and smothered the shot.

    PSV started the second half well. Three minutes into the second half a shot by Thomas, from just outside the penalty area, went high into the goal 0-2. A few minutes later JVOZ had another good chance but the shot did not hit the target. PSV had the upper hand after that but hardly any chances were created. JVOZ started a final offensive ten minutes before the end of the game, but no chances were created. The final score was 0-2.

    Strijbosch (Verhoeven), Cox (N. Munsters), Lonwijk, De Schutter (Bora Deyonge), Bora Deyonge (Van der Burgt), Tielemans, Braaf (Cox), Nassoh, Clabbers (Antonisse), Verschut (J. Munsters), Doudah.