November 29, 00:00
PSV O19 logo
Vitesse O19 logo
  1. Match report

    Today the match against the lowly ranked Vitesse was scheduled. For us the 3 points were a priority to keep the connection with the top 3. So the men knew what they had to do here at home at the Herdgang. The first 25 minutes we don't seem to be very awake yet. A ball from behind is put behind our defense and finished off by Vitesse's striker 0-1. It seems that this deficit woke up our men. A nice attack down the right flank finally produces a corner kick. Kenneth put the ball beautifully on the head of Suently, who headed it into the ropes, 1-1. The game then went back and forth. Just before half time the visitors took the lead again, 1-2. We could not have wished for a worse moment. After halftime we got away well at first with an open chance for Vitesse. In the 52nd minute Kenneth was brought down just outside the sixteen-meter area. This was a nice spot for Philippe and yes, he turns the ball low into the long corner 2-2. Not even 5 minutes later the 3-2 appears on the scoreboard a long ball from Philippe to Arnaut who controls the ball and then puts Berden alone in front of the goalkeeper, he does not fail and slides the ball into the net. Then the game goes up and down. In the 68th minute Vitesse gets a free kick also on the edge of the sixteen, they also score 3-3. The game keeps going up and down and Yannick saves us twice. As said the 3 points had to stay at Herdgang. Fortunately this happens in the 83rd minute. Taoufiq scored the redeeming 4-3, the linesman appealed for offside but the referee fortunately let the game continue. Two more good chances for the 5-3 but Dani and Taoufiq both failed to get the ball in. But that should not spoil the party. The 3 points stay in Eindhoven. Now on to next week against FC Groningen.