November 29, 00:00
MVV O13 logo
PSV O13 logo
  1. Match report

    For this last match in this league, PSV had to travel to Maastricht for the away match against MVV.

    The first chance of the match was in the third minute for PSV. A cross was headed against the MVV goalkeeper by Heritier. A few minutes later, PSV had another chance after a deep ball from Heritier to Jayden. Jayden's shot was turned away by the MVV goalkeeper and in the rebound Jayden kept the overview and put the ball wide to Jeremy. Jeremy shot into the far corner to make it 0-1. It seemed to be an easy afternoon for PSV but nothing was further from the truth. MVV started to play with more guts and PSV did very little in return. In the 17th minute MVV equalized. An MVV player easily ran through the PSV defense and was pulled down in the penalty area. The awarded penalty kick was shot in 1-1. MVV was stronger in the first half and PSV kept making the wrong choices. Still, PSV was dangerous in the 26th minute with a distance shot by Djurre. This shot, however, ended up in the hands of the goalkeeper. Robin kept PSV in the game two minutes before halftime. After poor defensive play by PSV, an MVV player came alone in front of Robin. With a fine reflex, Robin managed to turn the effort away. With the score tied, both teams went into the break.

    The picture at the start of the second half was no different from the first. PSV played weakly and won few duels. Halfway through the second half, PSV managed to force the home team back into their own half. However, this hardly produced any chances. The only opportunity was for Mathijs but his shot went just over. PSV returned home with one point.

    Despite this draw, PSV finished first in the league on goal difference. After the winter break there will be a new league format.

    Verhoeven (Strijbosch), N. Munsters (Cox), Lonwijk, De Schutter (Van der Burgt), Van der Burgt (J. Munsters), Tielemans, Braaf, Nassoh (Verschut), Antonisse (N. Munsters), Verschut (Doudah), Bora Deyonge.