Sept. 29, 00:00
PSV O14 logo
NAC Breda O14 logo
  1. Match report

    In the beginning of the match, both teams were equal without either team being able to get dangerous. The first real chance of the match was for the visitors in the tenth minute. Wrong defending by PSV gave the visitors an excellent opportunity but the shot went over. PSV was searching and did not yet play convincingly. The first chance in the match for PSV was in the 19th minute and it gave PSV the lead immediately. Now it was NAC that did not defend well, Jayden reacted alertly and shot the 1-0. Two minutes later PSV even doubled the lead after a nice deep ball from Mathijs to Jayden. Jayden outplayed the defender and shot over the goalkeeper to make it 2-0. With this big lead PSV got better in the match and a few minutes later PSV extended their lead. A nice combination through the center of NAC brought Jayden alone in front of the goalie and he completed his hat trick, 3-0. Just before halftime Jayden could have scored his fourth goal but he tapped the ball against the crossbar.

    In the second half, PSV had the better of the game. Real opportunities were not created. After almost fifteen minutes in the second half, NAC managed to be dangerous twice in quick succession but both times the visitors failed to score. PSV had the game in their hands after that but the opportunities that were created were not taken. In the last fifteen minutes of the match, PSV went in search of the fourth goal and it finally came in the 64th minute. Ian sent Jayden away with a deep ball and Jayden did not let this opportunity go unused either, 4-0.

    In numbers a clear victory but football wise PSV was not yet convincing in the first half. This improved in the second half so PSV deservedly won.

    Verhoeven, Cox, Lonwijk (Verschut), Matuta La Nkenda Nosa, Van der Burgt, De Schutter, Clabbers (N. Munsters), Maatsen, Braaf, Tielemans, J. Munsters (Antonisse).