November 28, 00:00
Helmond Sport O14 logo
PSV O14 logo
  1. Match report

    PSV started the match strongly and quickly went in search of an opening goal. In the sixth minute, PSV managed to take the lead. After a good cross from Jur, Jeremy tapped the ball into the goal, 0-1. After this goal Helmond Sport was able to do something back. In the 13th minute the home team had their first opportunity to score. However, the ball was shot wide. PSV played well and effectively in this phase of the match and this resulted in another goal in the 15th minute. Joost crossed well on the left but his effort was parried by the home club goalkeeper. Jeremy reacted alertly and tapped in the 0-2. Helmond Sport then tried to do something back but could not create any chances, PSV on the other hand continued unabated. In the 25th minute, a corner by Mohammed was initially turned away. Mathijs managed to intercept the ball and shot into the top right corner to make it 0-3. One minute later it was even 0-4 after an attack on the left. Heritier tapped the ball through to Jeremy. Jeremy kept the overview and played the ball wide to the free Jur. Jur took this opportunity and shot the 0-4. PSV kept pressing and one minute before half time Joost shot an indirect free kick into the far corner, 0-5. PSV was by far the superior side in the first half and deservedly went into the break with a large lead.

    PSV started the second half as it had ended the first. In the 37th minute, Helmond Sport could not clear the ball in the penalty area. Finally the ball got to Djurre who scored the 0-6. Everyone was preparing for an even higher score but PSV then failed to boost the goal difference. PSV started to play sloppy and made the wrong choices. Instead of playing the ball around quickly, they were running with the ball too much. This resulted in unnecessary ball loss. Helmond Sport easily stayed ahead and scored the second goal in the 52nd minute. After a quick breakaway, an attacker of the home club outmaneuvered Robin and signed the 1-6. The football did not improve during the remainder of the second half. PSV tried to force something, but could hardly create any opportunities. The home club did not create any more chances either so the scoreboard showed a 1-6 final score after the final whistle.

    Strijbosch (Verhoeven), Cox, Lonwijk, De Schutter, Matuta La Nkenda Nosa (Van der Burgt), Nassoh, Clabbers (N. Munsters), Verschut, Antonisse, Tielemans, Bora Deyonge (J. Munsters).