March 28, 00:00
PSV O13 logo
Willem II O13 logo
  1. Match report

    PSV started the match strongly and put Willem II under pressure from the outset. In the eighth minute, this produced the first opportunity. However, the ball was tapped over. PSV continued to put the visitors under pressure and in the 13th minute a long-distance shot went just over. One minute later the deserved lead came. Jayden played himself free with a nice action and shot past the Willem II goalie, 1-0. PSV remained by far the better team after the opening goal, but failed to extend the lead in this phase of the match. One of Willem II's sparse attacks immediately yielded the equalizer. After a foul in the penalty area the ball went to the penalty spot. The penalty kick was well put in and the teams went into halftime with a 1-1 tie.

    PSV continued to put the visitors under pressure early in the second half. In the 34th minute this resulted in another lead. Jayden played himself free and signed the 2-1. Also in the second half, PSV had the better of the game. However, the chances PSV created were not exploited. Jur came close but his shot hit the post. The visitors came out a few times without really being dangerous. Yet the visitors equalized. In the 55th minute the visitors combined through the center of PSV's defense and scored the 2-2. PSV's final offensive did not yield a goal so that both teams could credit one point.

    Verhoeven (Strijbosch), N. Munsters (Clabbers), Lonwijk, Matuta La Nkenda Nosa, Van der Burgt (Cox), De Schutter, Antonisse, Nassoh (Verschut), Braaf, Doudah, Bora Deyonge (J. Munsters).