November 27, 00:00
PSV O13 logo
Tokyo Select O13 logo
  1. Match report

    PSV started the match sharp and after two minutes the first goal was a fact after an attack through Nigel and Amin. Amin's cross went wide and eventually Jeremy picked up the ball and shot into the far corner, 1-0. A few minutes later PSV managed to score again after a deep ball from Djurre to Niek. Niek crossed the ball and Jeremy simply tapped the ball in, 2-0. PSV was strong and played dominant. The visitors had no grip on PSV's play. In the 11th minute that resulted in another goal. The attack was started by Heritier. Amin crossed the ball and Nigel shot in, 3-0. A few minutes later PSV scored again. A corner by Mathijs remained in the goal mouth. Nigel reacted alertly and tapped in the 4-0. PSV stayed on top of the game and the visitors had no chance to score. A few minutes before half time the 5-0 was scored. Jur received the ball on the edge of the penalty area. He made a move and shot into the far corner. 5-0 was the score at halftime.

    In the second half it was not a different picture. PSV was stronger and the visitors limited themselves to defending. In the 34th minute Mathijs sent Jayden away. Jayden crossed and Jur shot the 6-0. Although PSV had by far the better of the game, PSV still had to concede a goal against. After poor defensive play by PSV, the ball came into the feet of a Tokyo striker. He slalomed through the defense and shot 6-1. In the 39th minute, Amin rounded a defender and crossed the ball. At the far post, Mohamed slid the ball in, 7-1. Ten minutes before time, the final score came on the board after an action by Jayden. His cross was headed in by Jeremy, 8-1.

    Antonisse, Bora Deyonge, Braaf, Van der Burgt, Clabbers, Cox, Doudah, Lonwijk, La Nkenda Nosa, J. Munsters, N. Munsters, Nassoh, De Schutter, Strijbosch, Tielemans, Verhoeven, Verschut.