September 27, 00:00
VVV/HS O13 logo
PSV O13 logo
  1. Match report

    For the first 15 minutes of the match, both teams were equal. PSV had one big chance in this period after a nice attack. However, the ball was shot just wide of the goal. After fifteen minutes, PSV became slightly stronger without creating any real chances. PSV was sloppy in the build-up and made wrong choices. As a result, the home club's defense was hardly in trouble. The only chance in the first half was a distance shot by Mohamed after a nice action by Jayden on the right side of the pitch. However, the shot hit the outside of the post so the teams went to rest with a 0-0 score.

    VVV/HS slumped from the start of the second half. PSV had most of the ball possession but played sloppy in this phase of the match. The first serious goal attempt was in the 41st minute. Amin bypassed some players and shot hard at goal. With a fine save, the VVV/HS goalkeeper managed to turn the shot into a corner. The home club then limited itself to defending. PSV had difficulty finding an opening in the home club's solid defense. It took until the 47th minute for PSV to open the scoring after an action by Jeremy on the right side of the pitch. His cross was shot hard by Jayden from close range 0-1. After this goal, VVV/HS switched gears and in the last 10 minutes of the match the home club went all out to score the equalizer. This produced an opportunity but the ball was shot just wide. Well into injury time, PSV managed to double the score. Again it was Jeremy who rewarded himself by shooting the ball into the far corner, 0-2. This was also the final score.

    Verhoeven (Strijbosch), Cox (J. Munsters), Lonwijk, De Schutter, Van der Burgt (Bora Deyonge), Tielemans, Braaf, Nassoh (Verschut), Clabbers (Antonisse), Verschut (Doudah), Bora Deyonge (N. Munsters).