Feb. 27, 00:00
Brabant United O14 logo
PSV O14 logo
  1. Match report

    PSV started the match strongly and in the fifth minute there was already the first opportunity to score. The ball was shot just wide. A few minutes later, a shot by Mohamed from just outside the penalty area was tapped over by the home club goalkeeper. PSV was the dominant side in this phase and the home club hardly got in the way. After fifteen minutes Brabant United became bolder and the first opportunities came for the home club. In the 22nd minute, after a corner, a home team effort was cleared off the goal line by Mathijs. Five minutes later Brabant United had another opportunity to take the lead after unnecessary loss of ball by PSV. However, the ball was shot wide. PSV could not make a fist in this phase of the match. Brabant United was brighter and this gave them the lead just before halftime. PSV lost the ball in midfield, which was played directly to the striker of the home club. He did not think twice and shot the ball into the net, 1-0.

    In the second half PSV had to put their house in order, but the best chances were for the home club. After five minutes, PSV defended badly but the ball was shot just wide by a player of the home club. In the 44th minute Brabant United even made it 2-0. After bad defending by PSV the ball was put behind Robin. PSV now had to look for a goal, but it proved difficult to create a chance in this match. Brabant United was brighter, won more often the duels and put PSV under good pressure. PSV kept coming too late and running backwards. In the 52nd minute, PSV had the opportunity to score the tying goal, but the home goalie kept his goal clean. PSV tried to break down the defense, but Brabant United managed to hold on. In injury time Nigel was able to score the 2-1 after a nice combination through the center of the home team's defense, but the goal came too late for PSV to start hunting for the equalizer.

    PSV played fine for the first quarter of an hour. Then the game became less and less interesting and PSV hardly created any chances. Brabant United gained more and more self-confidence throughout the match and deservedly kept the points at home.

    Strijbosch (Verhoeven), Cox, Lonwijk, Matuta La Nkenda Nosa, Doudah (Van der Burgt), Tielemans, Clabbers (J. Munsters), Maatsen, Antonisse, Nassoh, Verschut (N. Munsters).