Aug. 26, 00:00
PSV O19 logo
Willem II O19 logo
  1. Match report

    After having laid a good foundation at the tournaments in South Africa and our own Ötten Cup" tournament with a second and first place against not the least European opponents, today is the first league match. After the disappointing elimination in the cup it is important to pick up the threads and start a good series. Willem II is our first opponent.
    We started brightly and after three minutes Albert opened the scoring in an excellent way. We went for it. It tastes like more. And indeed the goals came. Within a minute it was 1-1. Not paying attention for a moment and Willem II also scored. We should not let that happen. We increased the tempo and after twenty minutes Albert and Dante put Nicolai and Joey in position and they did what they do best. They both score within four minutes and the halftime score is 3-1.
    After halftime we want to keep going. Yet not everything goes the way we want it to and the last pass is not always good and the finishing could be better. But with just under fifteen minutes to play it is Arnaut who shows the coach that he is eager and almost immediately after his substitution manages to score two identical goals and brings the score to 5 - 1.
    A good victory on a sultry summer evening that fortunately remained free of the predicted thunderstorm.
    Men this is a good start and gives hope for the rest of the series of matches. Now just hope that the draw on Thursday will see some nice opponents from the Youth Champions League.
    The start has been made. On to Saturday to the duel with the Belgian opponents.
    See you on Saturday.

    Mikkelsen, Abels (63rd Naciri), Peijnenburg, Tanriver, Bannani, Rommens, Laursen, Rigo (79th Daneels), Konings (67th van der Moot), Gudmundsson, Verreth (73rd Groeneveld).