Oct. 25, 00:00
PSV O13 logo
Brabant United O13 logo
  1. Match report

    From the kickoff, PSV immediately trapped the visitors in their own half. The first part of the match took place entirely in the Brabant United half. PSV could hardly get through the visitors' sturdy defense. The spell was broken in the 19th minute. A defender of the visitors fouled Jeremy in the penalty area. The ball went to the spot and it was Jeremy himself who took the penalty 1-0. The visitors' first shot came in the 24th minute. The distance shot, however, went over. Three minutes later the visitors equalized after a foul by a PSV player. The free kick was headed by a PSV defender to the feet of a player of the visitors. He did not miss this opportunity and tapped in the 1-1. This was also the score at halftime. PSV had a large field advantage in the first half but hardly created any chances.

    In the second half, the situation was no different than in the first half. PSV dominated and the visitors came out sporadically. Unlike in the first half, PSV now had several opportunities to score. In the 34th minute Jayden was put in scoring position by Mathijs. The shot was tipped over by a sublime save from the Brabant United goalie. The next opportunity was four minutes later for Jeremy. His shot hit the crossbar. PSV kept pressing but a shot by Jayden hit the post and a shot by Heritier hit the crossbar. PSV then managed to score in the last minute of the match after a pass from Joep to Heritier. Heritier ran into the penalty area and shot hard and high into the short corner 2-1. In injury time it also became 3-1. After an action by Jeremy, he played the ball to Mathijs. From the edge of the penalty area Mathijs shot the 3-1. This was also the final score.

    Verhoeven (Strijbosch), N. Munsters (Cox), Lonwijk, Bora Deyonge, Van der Burgt (J. Munsters), De Schutter, Antonisse, Nassoh (Clabbers), Braaf, Tielemans, Doudah.