Sept. 25, 00:00
RBC Roosendaal D1 logo
PSV D1 logo
  1. Match report

    Stadium RBC, Borchwerf 4, Roosendaal
    In the MariFlex stadium in Roosendaal, PSV D1 played the topper against the number 2 on the league table RBC Roosendaal D1 on Saturday. The question was whether the D1 had recovered enough from a tough week with a bridge camp and thus a little less sleep than necessary.

    In the first 5 minutes of the match we see an opening PSV offensive with lots of ball possession but no real big chances. The only exploit is a goal attempt by Mink Peeters that goes just wide. After the strong initial phase, the game becomes a bit messier. Joey Konings headed wide from a Dante Rigo corner, but RBC Roosendaal also created a threat with a ball that went just wide. This turned out to be RBC's only danger of the game, as they did not get further than the penalty area. The solid defense of Ieke Scheerhoorn, Ymanuel Hurkmans, Roel van Linschoten, Tom Schepers and Ties van den Eijnde did not let anyone through. After fifteen minutes, PSV takes control of the game again. The opening goal seems to come when a combination between Mats Grotenbreg and Joey ends with Matthias Verreth but his effort is too soft. The 0-1 is just around the corner and it comes in the 16th minute. Matthias sent deep around the goalkeeper and shot in. His effort ends up on the crossbar and the always alert Mats shoots in the rebound. PSV continues and 4 minutes later Joey scores from a cross by Matthias. The goal is disallowed by the referee because of hands. RBC has nothing more to contribute and some more opportunities follow for Matthias and Lennerd Daneels for example. Shortly before half time, PSV scored the 0-2 when Ties van den Eijnde was brought down near the goal line. The referee rightly whistles for a penalty, captain Dante puts himself behind the ball and shoots impeccably into the corner. At the halftime signal we see another beautiful attack that ends via Matthias and Joey to Mats who shoots over in a promising position. PSV went into the break with a deserved 0-2 lead.

    The first minutes after the break little happens. PSV has a lot of ball possession but not much. After eight minutes, PSV continues where it left off before the break: playing good football. We see nice combinations but they do not lead to a goal yet. After a nice attack Dante is dangerous with a shot that is saved by the goalkeeper. Halfway through the second half it is a goal again. Giovanni Nicolaas conquered the ball in midfield and sent Matthias with a beautiful deep pass alone in front of the goalkeeper. Matthias stayed cool and rounded off in the corner: 0-3. After this attack, PSV's play remains nice to see and Claudio Braga's team is occasionally close to another goal. There is a fine attack on the right that ends with a shot by Dante just wide of the goal and Mink can't finish off a lovely double one-two with Gio. In the 23rd minute after halftime, PSV builds on the lead. Action by Lennerd on the right, tailored cross and Mink headed in the 0-4 via Matthias' foot. The last opportunity in the match was for Twan Demin who got in front of the defender after a cross from Mink but his effort went over. In the end, PSV wins the topper against RBC Roosendaal convincingly 0-4. An excellent match in which the team played some good football after a tough week.