Jan. 23, 00:00
PSV O14 logo
Roda JC O14 logo
  1. Match report

    Today was the first league match after the winter break, at home against Roda JC.

    The first chance in the match was already after a few minutes for PSV. The cross was headed just over. This start promised a nice game but it took until the 15th minute before there was another opportunity to score. Again, PSV had the chance to take the lead but the ball was again headed over the goal. Roda let PSV make the game and tried to reach the striker with the long ball forward. In the 23rd minute this gave the visitors the lead. A long ball went over PSV's defense and Roda's striker managed to tap the ball into the goal, 0-1. PSV stepped up their game and in the last ten minutes of the first half the home team created a number of chances. In the 29th minute a cross was headed over and one minute later a shot hit the post. In the 32nd minute, the deserved equalizer finally came. After a cross from Jur, Mohamed shot the ball low and hard, 1-1. Two minutes later a free kick by Fodé hit the post, but no more goals were scored in the first half. With a 1-1 halftime score, Roda could be most satisfied.

    Early in the second half Roda had an immediate opportunity to take the lead again. However, the opportunity was not taken. PSV went in search of a goal but PSV was unable to trouble the Roda defense. Jayden had the best opportunity to score but his shot hit the crossbar. On the other hand, Roda did score in the 44th minute. A free kick from outside the penalty area was headed into the far corner, 1-2. After this lead, Roda dropped back even further. PSV pressed but the pace was too slow to trouble the visitors. Roda easily held on and in injury time Roda even managed to extend the score from a free kick, 1-3.

    This was also the final score.

    Verhoeven (Strijbosch), Cox (N. Munsters), Matuta La Nkenda Nosa, De Schutter (Lonwijk), Doudah (Van der Burgt), Tielemans, Clabbers (Verschut), Maatsen, Braaf (Antonisse), Ihattaren, Fofana (J. Munsters).