November 22, 00:00
PSV O13 logo
NAC Breda O13 logo
  1. Match report

    Today the match between the numbers one (PSV) and two (NAC) was scheduled. Prior to the match, PSV had a two-point lead over NAC. If NAC won, the visitors could take over the lead.

    The first opportunity in the fifth minute of the match was for PSV. However, the shot went just wide. In the ninth minute, PSV did manage to take the lead. After a nice combination between Mohamed and Mathijs, Mathijs only got in front of the goalie and shot the ball low into the net, 1-0. The visitors did not leave it at that. After a chance in the 11th minute, which the visitors failed to capitalize on, NAC equalized in the 13th minute. A defensive error by PSV allowed a NAC player to get in front of Robin and score the 1-1 goal. NAC then put PSV under fierce pressure and that resulted in the visitors taking the lead two minutes after the equalizer. PSV was nonchalant in defense allowing NAC to easily get into possession of the ball. NAC's attack was headed in from close range, 1-2. After this deficit, PSV took control again and that resulted in a nice opportunity in the 20th minute. Mathijs' cross was intercepted by a NAC player and hit the bar. PSV equalized in the 26th minute. After a deep ball from Djurre to Mathijs, Mathijs again found himself alone in front of the goalkeeper. His effort was turned away by the NAC goalie. Amin, however, reacted alertly and shot the 2-2. This was also the score at halftime.

    PSV started the second half strongly. After good work by Amin, PSV gained possession of the ball early in the second half. The resulting attack was initially turned away by NAC. Mathijs picked up the ball, played it to Jayden who shot the ball into the far corner between some NAC players 3-2. PSV was stronger in the second half but the opportunities that were created were not taken. This kept NAC in the match. In the last 10 minutes of the match NAC took more risk by playing 1 on 1 at the back. Initially this did not create any chances for NAC. PSV did create a few dangerous chances. Several chances were either not taken or not played well. In the last minute of the game a shot by Mathijs was turned into a corner by the NAC goalie and the effort after the corner was cleared off the line. PSV did not score anymore. As often in games, the team that does not finish the chances gets the lid on its nose. This happened in the last minute of injury time. A long ball from a NAC player went over the PSV defense. The cross was tapped in by a NAC player 3-3. This was the final score.

    PSV had enough chances in this match to take further distance from NAC. By not exploiting these chances NAC stayed in the match. In the end the visitors returned to Breda with one point.

    Because of this draw, PSV remains in the lead with one point ahead of the runner-up. Due to Willem II's win, Willem II takes over second place from NAC.

    Verhoeven (Strijbosch), N. Munsters (Van der Burgt), Lonwijk, Bora Deyonge, J. Munsters (Cox), De Schutter, Tielemans, Verschut (J. Munsters), Clabbers (Braaf), Nassoh, Doudah.