March 22, 00:00
Ajax O14 logo
PSV O14 logo
  1. Match report

    PSV started the match well and put continuous pressure on Ajax's defense. As a result, Ajax did not get the chance to build. The first chance of the match was for PSV. On the turn Jur shot at goal but his shot was turned away by the Ajax goalie. A few minutes later Ajax had a good opportunity to score. After an Ajax corner was deflected, the ball was again put into the box. The Ajax player's shot went just wide. In the 22nd minute, the home club took the lead. After a long ball from behind, the ball eventually reached an attacker of the home club. This player was able to run unhindered into the penalty area and shoot into the far corner, 1-0. The home club then got into the game better without creating many chances. PSV pressed on in the last minutes of the first half. PSV did not get further than a shot by Joost, which went just wide.

    The second half had barely started when Ajax doubled their lead. After unnecessary ball loss at the back of PSV the ball was shot into the empty goal, 2-0. In the 44th minute the home club managed to score again after an attack on the left. The cross was headed into the far corner, 3-0. PSV could not make a fist after that and the conviction was lacking. Ajax was in a comfortable position and easily extended the lead. In the 49th minute an attack through the center of PSV's defense was tapped in by an Ajax player, 4-0, and in the 53rd minute an easily given penalty kick was shot in, 5-0. Seven minutes before time, Ajax put the final score of 6-0 on the scoreboard.

    Verhoeven, Cox (Fonville), Lonwijk, Matuta La Nkenda Nosa, Maatsen, De Schutter, Clabbers, Doudah (N. Munsters), Braaf, Nassoh, Antonisse (De Mol).