March 21, 00:00
PSV O13 logo
Brabant United O13 logo
  1. Match report

    PSV started the match well and in the second minute PSV created the first chance. This opportunity for a quick goal was not taken. Three minutes later the visitors had an excellent opportunity to open the score. A deep ball put a Brabant United player in front of Peter. His lob went just wide of the goal. Brabant United put PSV under pressure early on and PSV struggled for the first fifteen minutes of the match. Still, PSV had the best chances in this phase of the match. A header by Joost was cleared off the line and a shot by Mathijs was parried by the Brabant United goalkeeper. Halfway through the first half, PSV got the game more under control. The visitors remained dangerous with some quick breaks. On the stroke of half time PSV took the lead. With a shot Heritier passed the goalie of the visitors, 1-0. With this score both teams went into the break, in this attractive first half.

    Also in the second half, PSV had the better of the game. However, PSV hardly created any chances due to the good defensive work of the visitors. The visitors tried to create danger with quick outbursts but they too hardly got any chances to score. In the last ten minutes of the match, the visitors took more risks without really becoming dangerous. PSV had two more opportunities to put the game away in the closing stages, but no goals were scored. The final score was 1-0.

    Strijbosch, Cox (Matuta La Nkenda Nosa), Matuta La Nkenda Nosa (Lonwijk), De Schutter, Doudah (Van der Burgt), Tielemans, Antonisse, Nassoh, Clabbers (N. Munsters), Verschut (J. Munsters), Bora Deyonge.