Feb. 21, 00:00
PSV O13 logo
NEC Nijmegen O13 logo
  1. Match report

    PSV started the match strongly and managed to open the score as early as the fourth minute. Nigel crossed the midfield and played the ball to Jayden. Jayden shot the 1-0 into the far corner. PSV had a few more chances in the first ten minutes of the match but they were not exploited. After a good start PSV dropped back a bit. Too often wrong choices were made, resulting in hardly any chances being created. The visitors had the first opportunity to score from a free kick in the 16th minute. However, the ball was headed wide. PSV gave nothing away in the first half and only had one chance of their own. Jayden played the ball past the visitors' goalie but a NEC defender managed to clear the ball in time. With a 1-0 score both teams went to rest.

    The game was no different in the second half. PSV was stronger and the visitors hardly had any opportunities to score. Unlike in the first half, PSV managed to find the net more often. In the 42nd minute Jayden played himself free on the edge of the penalty area and shot the 2-0. Three minutes later Jayden headed the 3-0 into the goal from a free kick by Djurre. A few minutes before time Mathijs put the final score of 4-0 on the scoreboard after a through ball from Djurre.

    Verhoeven, Cox (N. Munsters), Lonwijk. De Schutter, Bora Deyonge, Tielemans (Verschut), Antonisse (Cox), Verschut (J. Munsters), Braaf (Tielemans), Clabbers, N. Munsters (Van der Burgt).