Sept. 20, 00:00
PSV O13 logo
Blue Yellow '38 D1 logo
  1. Match report

    From the kickoff, PSV forced the visitors back into their own half. Yet the first big chance in the seventh minute was for the visitors. The striker of Blauw Geel got free in front of Peter but with a nice save he parried the shot. PSV came out quickly and the ball eventually came to Amin. With a shot into the far corner he signed the 1-0. Those who thought that PSV would go further ahead after this opening goal were disappointed. On the contrary. Three minutes after the opening goal, the visitors equalized after PSV misfired. Again the ball came into the feet of the striker of Blauw Geel and this time he did not let this opportunity go unused. With a hard shot he left Peter defenseless, 1-1. PSV had field advantage but PSV played sloppy in this phase of the match. PSV hardly created any chances either. In the 19th minute it was Mathijs who hit the crossbar with a shot from outside the sixteen. In the 26th minute, PSV again took the lead from a game-winning shot. A corner by Djurre at the first post was headed in by Joost, 2-1. This was also the score at halftime.

    PSV started the second half as they had started the first. Blauw Geel was forced back into their own half and that resulted in another goal in the 34th minute. After a one-two with Jur, Amin shot, this time into the short corner, 3-1. PSV started to play better and better football and the visitors' strength slowly drained away. In the 52nd minute PSV extended the score. After an attack the ball finally reached Jur who shot low, 4-1. In the 59th minute Nigel sent a nice ball from behind to Djurre. However, Djurre's shot was turned away by the visitors' goalkeeper. Then the ball was not well cleared after which Niek got the ball in his feet. With a shot he made it 5-1.

    Strijbosch (Verhoeven), Cox (Clabbers), Lonwijk, De Schutter (Van der Burgt), Van der Burgt (Bora Deyonge), Tielemans (Verschut), N. Munsters, Verschut (Nassoh), Antonisse, J. Munsters, Doudah (Cox).