September 19, 00:00
PSV O14 logo
Brabant United O14 logo
  1. Match report

    The first chance of the match in the third minute was for the visitors. The shot just missed the target. PSV's counterattack immediately produced the opening goal of the match. Jayden completed the attack on the left with a nice lob over the goalkeeper, 1-0. PSV had most of the ball possession after that but hardly created any opportunities to score. In the 16th minute, PSV did manage to score. A short free kick was taken from 25 meters and Ian shot in hard, 2-0. PSV then pushed the visitors further back in defense. However, PSV lacked the ability to outplay the Brabant United defense today. The best chances in the last phase of the first half were for the visitors. With a quick breakaway a player from Brabant United came alone in front of the goalkeeper. This opportunity was not taken. One minute later a free kick for Brabant United from the edge of the penalty area was turned into a corner by Peter. PSV could be satisfied that they could go to rest without a goal against.

    In the beginning of the second half, PSV managed to extend the score. From a corner Jur finally scored the 3-0. Those who thought the game was over were disappointed. After this goal, PSV thought they could easily finish the match, but this laziness immediately resulted in two goals against. Unnecessary ball loss in the 46th minute made it 3-1 and three minutes later Brabant United even got back in the game by shooting in the 3-2. A few minutes later the visitors could even have equalized but the opportunity was not taken. PSV still had some work to do and in the 55th minute a corner was headed in by Jayden, 4-2. Three minutes later the most beautiful PSV attack of the match was completed effectively. Mathijs sent Jayden away and his tight cross was tapped in by Ian, 5-2. Five minutes later Brabant United scored the 5-3 through inattention of the PSV defense, but the lead was never in danger again.

    Strijbosch, N. Munsters (Van der Burgt), Lonwijk, Maatsen, J. Munsters (Cox), De Schutter, Antonisse (Matuta La Nkenda Nosa), Verschut, Clabbers, Tielemans, Braaf.