March 19, 00:00
Sparta Rotterdam O14 logo
PSV O14 logo
  1. Match report

    The first chance in the match was for the home club after five minutes. A free kick from outside the penalty area was headed against the post. One minute later it was PSV that almost scored. However, Ruben's beautifully taken curve ball also hit the post. Sparta then tried to reach the attackers with the long ball from behind. This gave Sparta some chances but the attackers were inaccurate in the finishing. PSV looked for the moments to become dangerous. Real chances were hardly created. In the last ten minutes of the first half PSV got more control in the match. It was unfortunate that Sparta scored the 1-0 just in this phase.

    The second half had barely started when Sparta doubled their lead. A long ball through the PSV center was shot by a Sparta attacker into the far corner, 2-0. Three minutes later, from an identical attack, Sparta put the 3-0 on the scoreboard. PSV then tried to do something back but this did not really produce PSV chances. In the 53rd minute, the game went all the way to lock after Sparta scored the 4-0. A Sparta player played himself free and shot into the far corner. Five minutes later, PSV was able to do something back. Jayden captured the ball on the edge of the penalty area and shot 4-1. PSV continued to push but no more goals were scored.

    Verhoeven, N. Munsters (Fonville), Matuta La Nkenda Nosa, De Schutter, Maatsen, Nassoh (Hopman), De Mol, Doudah, Braaf, Clabbers, J. Munsters (Jimenez).