March 19, 00:00
VA FC Twente B1 logo
PSV B1 logo
  1. Match report

    In a warm but early spring sunshine, the FC Twente match against PSV B1 started at 2:30.
    Twente started the match strongly, with a lot of noise and effort Twente tried to make PSV difficult from the first minute.
    However, the first chance was for PSV. Rai Vloet worked the ball through the opponent into the goal but was rightly disallowed (pushing by Rai).
    Twente continued to make PSV difficult with the mode of play started and created two chances in the first 15 minutes.
    PSV then took control, creating a number of chances. The first through Moussa and shortly after that Jorit.
    Until halftime the game took place mainly in the midfield and both teams got some small opportunities.
    PSV started very strongly after the resumption. By smart and organized defending and attacking, PSV created chances and kept Twente away from the PSV goal. Rai crawled in front of the opponent after a nice cross from Thomas and tapped the ball in seemingly unstoppable. However, the Twente goalkeeper prevented the 0-1 with a cat-like reflex.
    PSV stayed on top, was dangerous and created opportunities. It was just waiting for the 0-1. Yet Twente unexpectedly got a great chance to take the lead, but in front of an empty goal the Twente striker shot the ball over.
    Farshad got another nice chance after another dangerous action and cross from Moussa.
    In the 72nd minute Jordy played Rai hard into his feet. Rai, with his back to the goal, cleverly turned away from the 2 central defenders, and with his left shot the ball hard and unstoppable into the far corner.
    After this 0-1, Twente started playing with an extra striker, giving PSV more space in front. PSV did not give away any more chances, however, and on one of PSV's dangerous counters, Jordelino sent Sherry into the depths. Sherry had a free pass to the Twente goal and finished this opportunity by neatly placing the ball into the goal with his left.
    A deserved 0-2 victory for PSV over Twente after an exciting match.