Oct. 18, 00:00
PSV O13 logo
Willem II O13 logo
  1. Match report

    The match started at a high tempo that gave both teams a few opportunities that were not exploited. The first real opportunity came in the 11th minute from a free kick for PSV after Willem II's goalkeeper had made hands on the point of the penalty area. Mohamed's free kick was headed just over by Nigel. PSV's lead came in the 15th minute after an action by Heritier on the left side of the pitch. His low cross landed at the feet of Jeremy who shot the 1-0 from the turn. Five minutes later, the score was extended. A pass from Niek reached Jayden. Jayden outplayed a defender of the visitors and shot into the far corner to make it 2-0. In the 22nd minute Willem II had an opportunity to score the tying goal. The shot went just wide via a PSV player. However, PSV had the better of the game and one minute later PSV scored the 3-0. Jayden passed well on the right side of the field. Although he was in scoring position himself, he laid the ball wide to Jeremy who scored the 3-0 from close range. This was also the halftime score.

    At the beginning of the second half, the game was evenly matched. After five minutes, PSV took control of the game. The dominance produced opportunities but they were not exploited as yet. The spectators had to wait until the 46th minute before PSV scored again. Jur intercepted a kick from the visitors' goalkeeper. He played the ball directly to Heritier who after a run shot the ball into the far corner 4-0. A few minutes later Jayden, after a strong action, got into a scoring position. His shot was turned into a corner by the visitors' goalkeeper. PSV switched back a bit and in the last 10 minutes of the match Willem II tried to do something back. The opportunities that arose were not taken by the visitors, so the final score was 4-0.

    Strijbosch (Verhoeven), N. Munsters, Cox (Bora Deyonge), Lonwijk, J. Munsters, De Schutter (Tielemans), Nassoh, Bora Deyonge (Van der Burgt), Braaf, Clabbers, Antonisse (De Schutter).