Oct. 17, 00:00
PSV O14 logo
Sparta Rotterdam O14 logo
  1. Match report

    Today a great match against Sparta, the number three in the standings, was scheduled. Beforehand, this seemed to be a fun rather than exciting match. And it was.

    The visitors got off to a good start and took the lead in the second minute. An unnecessary foul by a PSV player earned Sparta a free kick midway through the PSV half. The free kick was tapped in by a Sparta player before a PSV player could clear the ball. PSV faced an early deficit, 0-1. This early deficit did not make everyone sit up and take notice. Two minutes later, the visitors managed to double the lead. This time there was unnecessary ball loss in midfield and the deep ball was shot into the far corner, 0-2. In the sixth minute, PSV only had the first chance of the match. However, the ball was headed just wide. PSV became stronger but nevertheless the visitors had a chance to go further ahead. It was Robin who with a nice save kept PSV in the match. PSV then increased the tempo and Sparta had to go further back. This yielded the tying goal in the 22nd minute after a deep ball to Joep. His cross was shot in by Jeremy, 1-2. PSV continued unabated after that. Four minutes after the tying goal, PSV equalized. After a nice attack Jeremy managed to head in Jur's cross, 2-2. PSV felt that the lead was now up for grabs and in the 30th minute the lead came. A free kick by Joost was changed by a Sparta player. Jeremy reacted alertly and tapped in the 3-2. This was also the score at halftime. The supporters had seen an exciting first half in which PSV, after a weak start, eventually dominated a large part of the first half.

    PSV started the second half well although the game was less dominant than much of the first half. It took until the 48th minute before PSV had a chance. The cross, however, was headed just wide. With this PSV could have put the game away early on. This was the signal for Sparta to go on the attack. PSV had to fight back and Sparta went in search of an equalizer. Sparta did not get any real chances in this phase of the match. It was precisely PSV that was able to create the most danger with fast breakaways. In the 57th minute, however, the Spartans had an excellent opportunity to equalize. Up to three times their effort was cleared off the line by a PSV player. PSV prevented the equalizer at that moment. Sparta continued to press but no real chances were created by the visitors. PSV had sporadic opportunities to extend the lead but PSV did not handle these well. The game remained exciting until the last minute. There was no more scoring in the second half so the points stayed in Eindhoven.

    All in all an exciting match in which PSV dominated much of the first half and in which Sparta certainly had the opportunities to return home with at least one point.

    Verhoeven, Cox, De Schutter (Lonwijk), Matuta La Nkenda Nosa, Doudah, Tielemans (Verschut), Clabbers (N. Munsters), Maatsen, Antonisse, Nassoh, J. Munsters (Van der Burgt).