April 16, 00:00
NAC Breda O14 logo
PSV O14 logo
  1. Match report

    Both teams had a prime opportunity to score in the first three minutes of the game. Both times the goalkeeper saved. After that, both NAC and PSV were looking for an opening. This came for the home club in the twelfth minute. NAC was able to combine too easily in midfield. Eventually the cross was shot in, 1-0. PSV then got into the game better and had a great chance to score in the 16th minute. However, this opportunity was not taken. Four minutes later the equalizer came. A free kick by Mohamed was headed into his own goal by a NAC player, 1-1. PSV had by far the most ball possession in this phase of the match. PSV could not express this superiority in goals. NAC, on the other hand, occasionally came out dangerously. Just before half-time NAC was able to take the lead again. After a nice action the shot went wide. With the score tied, both teams went to rest.

    PSV started the second half strongly and pressed NAC back in their own half from the start. The home club limited itself to defending in this phase of the match. In the 40th minute, PSV had a great chance to take the lead. From a corner the ball was shot over from close range. PSV continued to press and in the 47th minute PSV had another chance to take the lead. After a nice ball from Mohamed, Jeremy came alone in front of the goalie. His shot was parried by the home club goalkeeper. In the 50th minute, the home club was able to become dangerous for the first time in the second half. A few minutes later, against all odds, the home club took the lead. PSV failed to clear a free kick by the home club. The ball ended up in the hands of a NAC player and he was able to shoot in from the edge of the penalty area, 2-1. PSV then continued to look for a goal. PSV started to play one-on-one at the back, forcing NAC further back. As PSV started to take more risks, the NAC raids became more dangerous. PSV stood firm at the back and in injury time the deserved equalizer came. A free kick by Mohamed was headed through by Nigel. Deveron reacted alertly and tapped in the 2-2. After the equalizer NAC had two more good opportunities to score but both times the net was not found.

    PSV was dominant for much of the match. PSV created a number of chances but lacked conviction in finishing. NAC on the other hand was more effective with the chances they got. In the end, PSV had to settle for one point.

    Verhoeven (Strijbosch), Cox, Lonwijk, Maatsen, Van der Burgt, Verschut (Zuijderwijk), N. Munsters (Bora Deyonge), J. Munsters (Jimenez), Clabbers (Fonville), Nassoh, Antonisse.