April 16, 00:00
Reusel Sport E1 logo
PSV E1 logo
  1. Match report

    Beforehand, the players were instructed to stay out of the physical duels and that plan was successfully executed. After 8 minutes, Quinn himself captured the ball from a defender and then fired in an accurate shot 0-1. Less than a minute later Lars made a nice move but the goalkeeper got in the way. In the rebound Quinn shot the ball at the post. Shortly afterwards we were not defending fiercely enough so Reusel could score the equalizer 1-1.
    After more than 20 minutes PSV took the lead again as Quinn shot directly on goal and the ball went hard into the free corner 1-2. Just before half time Quinn made his hat trick after an assist from Jochem 1-3.
    Halftime score 1-3.

    Immediately after the Reusel kickoff Quinn went after the ball and got into possession. He almost scored again but a great save from the goalkeeper prevented this. A few minutes later, PSV was able to go ahead. From a corner kick by Dani, Quinn was again in the right place to tap the ball in 1-4. After that there were 2 good opportunities for Reusel to score. Fortunately the crossbar got in the way and in the other situation they shot wide. Just before time, Quinn scored his 5th goal of the game by putting the ball in the short corner with a hard shot, 1-5.

    A deserved result and another deserved victory by PSV. Congratulations to all the players. Very much enjoyed the good positional play.

    Victor Camps, Dani Mathieu, Jochem van Dijk, Niels van Berkel, Lars Koolen, Shurandy Sambo, Mathijs Bel and Quinn Chirino.