November 15, 00:00
Brabant United O13 logo
PSV O13 logo
  1. Match report

    In the first 15 minutes it was an evenly matched match. PSV was sloppy in their passing in this phase of the match, resulting in unnecessary ball losses. Both goalkeepers were quiet as no chances were created. PSV opened the scoring in the 19th minute from a free kick from the point of the penalty area. Mohamed shot the ball into the short corner and the Brabant United goalkeeper initially turned the ball away. Jeremy reacted alertly and tapped the rebound in 0-1. A few minutes later it was Luuk who was allowed to take a free kick from the point of the penalty area on the other side. This free kick was also shot into the short corner but with a nice save the goalie of Brabant United took the ball out of the corner. PSV became more eager and trapped the home team in their own half. In the last five minutes of the first half, PSV had a few more opportunities. A shot by Mathijs from the edge of the box hit the post hard and a header by Jayden went just wide. However, no goals were scored and the score at halftime was 0-1.

    PSV started the second half brightly and from the kickoff PSV had an immediate opportunity to increase the score but this opportunity was not taken. A few minutes later Heritier got free in front of the goalie after a nice deep ball from Nigel. Heritier's effort was parried by the goalkeeper. PSV pushed Brabant United further back. In the 46th minute Jur had the opportunity to double the score but his effort was also saved by the Brabant United goalkeeper. PSV had the upper hand and Brabant United sporadically came out of it. In the 48th minute PSV managed to double the score. A kick from the goalkeeper of Brabant United ended up in the feet of Jayden. He seized the opportunity and scored the 0-2. Two minutes later Jayden again scored the 0-3 from a corner by Djurre. With this the game was played. In the last minute of the game Brabant United scored. After an attack on the right the ball was easily tapped in 1-3. Well into injury time it was Mohamed who scored 1-4. After an action in the penalty area he shot the ball into the short corner. This was also the final score.

    With this victory PSV became the winner in this cup pool.

    Strijbosch (Verhoeven), Cox, Lonwijk, De Schutter (J. Munsters), Van der Burgt (Verschut), Tielemans, Nassoh, J. Munsters (Bora Deyonge), Clabbers, Braaf (Antonisse), Antonisse (Doudah).