April 14, 00:00
PSV O13 logo
NAC Breda O13 logo
  1. Match report

    PSV started the match sloppily, losing the ball unnecessarily. The sloppy play gave the visitors an opportunity to take the lead in the tenth minute. However, the ball went just wide. PSV's first chance came in the 14th minute, but it too went just wide. Two minutes later PSV had another chance but this time the NAC goalie prevented them from taking the lead. After these two chances, PSV became stronger and took control of the match. Nevertheless, the visitors took the lead. A quick attack was effectively completed 0-1. PSV did not let this put them off balance and continued unabated. Three minutes before half time Jayden had the equalizer on his shoe but again the NAC goalie saved. With 0-1 both teams went into the break.

    PSV started the second half strongly, pushing NAC back but several opportunities were not taken. The visitors remained dangerous with fast breakaways. In the 47th minute NAC could have put the game away but the ball was cleared out of the goal mouth at the last moment. The last ten minutes of the match PSV tried to force something, which eventually succeeded. In the 52nd minute Jayden went through on the left side well to the back line. He put the ball back to Jeremy who scored the equalizer 1-1. Two minutes later it was NAC who could have taken the lead again but the ball just missed the goal. In the 56th minute it was again Jayden who went through on the left side. This time he shot the ball low into the far corner and gave PSV the deserved lead. In the last minutes of the match PSV had the opportunity to extend their lead but no more goals were scored.

    Verhoeven (Strijbosch), Cox, Matuta La Nkenda Nosa (Lonwijk), De Schutter, Doudah (Van der Burgt), Tielemans, N. Munsters (Clabbers), Nassoh (Verschut), Braaf, Bora Deyonge, J. Munsters (Antonisse).