Feb. 14, 00:00
Sparta Rotterdam O13 logo
PSV O13 logo
  1. Match report

    In the first half, it was an even match for a long time. Both teams were looking for an opening in the opposing defense but no chances were created. Both teams tried to take the lead with distance shots but the distance shots did not hit the target. The first real chance was in the 24th minute for the home team and it was immediately taken. The PSV defense couldn't get the ball out of the penalty area and eventually the ball ended up at the feet of a Sparta player who shot the ball diagonally into the net, 1-0. A few minutes later the home club managed to extend the lead further. A long-distance shot from a Sparta player landed on Peter's back via the underside of the crossbar. It was unclear whether the ball had crossed the goal line but after some hesitation the referee gave a goal to the home club, 2-0. This was also the halftime score.

    At the beginning of the second half, PSV wanted to put something right. However, PSV did not manage to create any real chances. After ten minutes in the second half, the home club did have an opportunity to extend the score further. However, the effort was turned away by Peter. In the last ten minutes of the match PSV tried to force something. The Sparta goalkeeper prevented the goal from being tied, so the final score was already reached at half time.

    Strijbosch, Cox, Lonwijk, De Schutter, Doudah, Tielemans, N. Munsters (Braaf), Bora Deyonge (Nassoh), Clabbers (Antonisse), Verschut, Van der Burgt (J. Munsters).