Feb. 12, 00:00
PSV F1 logo
DBS E3 logo
  1. Match report

    Tough match against tough DBS

    The F1 won 4-1 today against DBS E3. A difficult win by Robin, Matthijs, Djurre, Jeremy, Mo N, Thomas, Joost, Nigel and Genrich.

    Opinions about the match among the now very spoiled PSV crowd appeared -jokingly or logically? - to have some connection with a female or male gaze.

    Most of the men wanted to say few words afterwards about the match in which, in their opinion, our boys had made it unnecessarily difficult for themselves on all fronts. Most female PSV fans would have had a much better time with slightly different glasses on:

    - Nice that it was a real match in which they had to fight until the last minute
    - DBS was very cleverly on our boys' skin from start to finish. They also had an excellent goalkeeper.
    - There was no lack of commitment from our boys. Even if what they had in mind and what trainer Harm (head coach this time!) asked of them did not work out, they kept trying.
    - Fine for PSV, but sad for DBS that under pressure they shot twice into their own goal.
    - Great to see how happy the boys were with their brand new shoes. Too bad the shot power on goal still seemed to be left in their other shoes....

    Since women obviously know a lot less about football, time for another down-to-earth analysis from one of the players themselves. This time Nigel, who has not been fit for 2 weeks, but bravely participated again today:

    'Beforehand the coach had said that the opponents were bigger and stronger than us. Therefore we had to run free a lot and pass to each other.
    I think we overpassed a lot, but not so much. We also did not defend well because not everyone kept their position.
    What DBS did well? They always stayed very close to us. That made it difficult to do what the coach said. And they shot twice for us in their own goal.....
    It wasn't a very good game, but we all tried very hard. I still felt tired, but still enjoyed playing football.

    1-0 Jeremy Antonisse
    2-0 (own goal)
    3-0 (own goal)
    4-0 Genrich Sillé