Oct. 11, 00:00
JVOZ O13 logo
PSV O13 logo
  1. Match report

    PSV started the match well and managed to score as early as the third minute after a deep ball from Niek to Jayden. With a shot over the JVOZ goalie, Jayden scored the 0-1. Five minutes later PSV managed to extend the score further after a foul on Jeremy in the penalty area. The awarded penalty kick was shot high by Jeremy, 0-2. This early comfortable lead allowed PSV to easily take the game to themselves. JVOZ came out sporadically but could not really become dangerous. In the 24th minute, a shot by Luuk was turned into a corner by a home club player. The corner was taken by Mohamed and tapped in by Nigel 0-3. Two minutes later Jayden managed to extend the score further. After a nice action he shot the ball low, 0-4. Just before half-time PSV increased the score. Nigel dribbled in and put Jayden in a scoring position. His shot was turned away by the home team's goalkeeper but Nigel, who was alert, tapped in the 0-5.

    JVOZ started the second half brighter and put PSV under pressure. PSV managed to get out of this pressure and in the 37th minute this resulted in the 0-6 after a nice opening from Mathijs to Luuk. Luuk played the ball directly to Amin who did not miss this opportunity, 0-6. JVOZ offered more resistance in the second half but did not manage to create any chances. PSV combined very well but failed to take the opportunities they created. In the 52nd minute JVOZ managed to score. After wrongly defending by PSV the ball came into the feet of a player of the home club who did not let this opportunity go unused, 1-6. This was the final score.

    Verhoeven (Strijbosch), Cox, Lonwijk (Bora Deyonge), De Schutter, Bora Deyonge (Van der Burgt), Tielemans (Verschut), N. Munsters (J. Munsters), Verschut (Doudah), Braaf (Antonisse), Nassoh (N. Munsters), Antonisse (Clabbers).