Feb. 11, 00:00
PSV O14 logo
ADO Den Haag O14 logo
  1. Match report

    PSV started the game sharply and this immediately produced the lead. Joost won the duel and then dribbled into the penalty area. An ADO defender fouled Joost and the referee had no choice but to put the ball on the spot. The penalty kick was taken by Joost, 1-0. Almost immediately from the kickoff the visitors had the opportunity to equalize. In front of an empty goal the ball was shot just wide. This gave ADO confidence and the visitors did not let PSV get back into their game. In the 10th minute ADO was again close to an equalizer. A free kick from more than 25 meters came hard and low at goal. Robin made a fine save, however. PSV's play got worse as the half progressed. Wrong choices were made, making it a messy game from the PSV side. ADO on the other hand played with passion and it was waiting for the equalizer. It finally came in the 27th minute. A PSV free kick was caught by the ADO goalkeeper. With a quick kick he reached the ADO striker, who shot the equalizer into the far corner, 1-1. This was also the halftime score.

    PSV started the second half sharp and in the first five minutes they had two good chances to score. Both chances went just wide. PSV kept ADO under pressure and remained threatening. In the 45th minute PSV had another great opportunity to take the lead. After a nice combination the ball was again shot just wide. PSV kept looking for a goal and PSV was clearly the superior side in the second half. ADO barely got in the game and the only opportunity for the visitors to score was from a dropped ball. However, the visitors were not dangerous in the second half. PSV did get chances but did not score. Just when nobody believed in a victory for PSV anymore, PSV did take the lead. Joost played a deep ball to Ian well into injury time. Ian got free in front of the goalkeeper and shot the 2-1. Because of this goal the three points stayed in Eindhoven.

    PSV did not play well in the first half. In the second half PSV was by far the better team so PSV deserved to win in the end.

    Verhoeven (Strijbosch), Cox, Lonwijk, De Schutter, Matuta La Nkenda Nosa, Tielemans, Clabbers (Van der Burgt), Verschut (Doudah), Antonisse, Nassoh (Maatsen), J. Munsters ( N. Munsters).