September 10, 00:00
Sparta Rotterdam O14 logo
PSV O14 logo
  1. Match report

    PSV was the dominant side from the beginning of the match. This resulted in the opening goal as early as the fifth minute. After a nicely set up attack, Dyon passed the ball deep to Milan van de Riet. His shot went into the far corner. PSV had the upper hand and did not let Sparta get into their game. PSV did not create any real chances in this phase of the match. In the 20th minute, PSV got their first wake-up call. A good Sparta chance went just wide. One minute later the equalizer came. After unnecessary loss of ball in midfield, Sparta got a chance that was exploited, 1-1. A few minutes later PSV could have taken the lead again, but the ball was just shot over. Sparta became stronger and PSV lost their grip on the game. Just before half time the home club took the lead. A Sparta attack was finally tapped in at the far post, 2-1.

    PSV started the second half with the best intentions. PSV started the second half with the best of intentions, but lacked conviction and created no chances. In the 46th minute, Sparta scored again. After a quick breakaway, the cross initially went past everyone. A Sparta player picked up the ball and shot the 3-1. PSV then tried to do something back but PSV was unable to trouble the Sparta defense. In the 62nd minute, PSV went close but the ball went just wide via the goalkeeper. In the last minute Sparta made it 4-1. After an unnecessary foul just outside the penalty area the free kick went high into the goal.

    PSV showed their best side in the first 25 minutes. After that, PSV lost their grip on the match. In the second half, PSV no longer had the conviction to turn the match to their liking.

    Gadellaa (Janssen), Vossen (Jimenez), Arts (Giebels), Landfeld (Nicolaas), Fonville, Nassoh, Van den Berk, Dorenbosch (Achenteh), Van de Riet, Zuijderwijk, De Mol.