Oct. 8, 6:15 p.m.
Ajax AFC JO13-1 logo
PSV O13 logo
  1. Goal

    Sami Bouhoudane
    PSV O13 logo
  2. Goal

    Rodin Oesterholt
    PSV O13 logo
  3. Goal

    Dichano Bulo
    PSV O13 logo
  4. Match report

    PSV O13 books convincing win in topper

    Visiting Ajax, PSV O13 recorded a convincing win. The team recovered well from a poor start and eventually won 1-4 against the Amsterdammers.

    Initially, it did not look like that. PSV did not start well and were lucky that Ajax hit the post after only a minute. The Amsterdammers continued to improve and were awarded a penalty kick after ten minutes. Although goalkeeper Stijn Kuijsten hit the ball, it fell in via the post. After this opening goal the game turned. PSV started to win duels and was able to get under the pressure of Ajax. After twenty minutes this resulted in the equalizer. A corner that was turned away was brought back by Rens Boon and powerfully headed in by Sami Bouhoudane. This equalizer was liberating for the team and the 1-2 for PSV soon followed. Rodin Oesterholt was played free beautifully by Boet Mulders and, eye-to-eye with the goalkeeper, the left-winger shot the ball into the net. Just before half time PSV should have extended the lead, but Sami Bouhoudane missed one-on-one with the goalkeeper. Thus both teams went into halftime with a 1-2 score.

    After tea, PSV continued where it left off. The team radiated energy and managed to keep Ajax under pressure with a lot of guts. This resulted in a few good chances, but Isaï Middag, Sami Bouhoudane and Gino Verhulst were unable to capitalize on them. Dichano Bulo did, ten minutes before time. The outside player won his duel in midfield and slid the ball well under the goalkeeper after a long rush. In the final minute Sami Bouhoudane scored his second goal: the striker was put clear in front of the Ajax goalie by goalkeeper Stijn Kuijsten, passed the goalkeeper and was able to calmly slide the ball into the empty goal. This 1-4 also marked the final score.

    Saturday, Hidde van Boven's team plays another away game, when the team visits Vitesse (kickoff at 1 p.m.).

    Setup: Stijn Kuijsten; Yalen Meulendijks, Michael Bresser, Steyn Mussche, Rens Boon (57/Abdullah Hekmat); Benjamin Khaderi, Isaï Middag (56/Dichano Bulo), Boet Mulders (65/Jari Horsten); Rodin Oesterholt (35/Joep Willems), Sami Bouhoudane, Gino Verhulst (67/Raf Vullers)