November 7, 00:00
PSV O14 logo
Feyenoord O14 logo
  1. Match report

    Today's match was between the number 1, Feyenoord, and the number 2, PSV. Both teams had won all their previous matches but Feyenoord had a better goal difference.

    The match had barely started when PSV was already able to take the lead. After one minute, PSV had an opportunity to score but the ball was shot just wide. Feyenoord had woken up and the visitors quickly put PSV under pressure. PSV struggled to get into their game and unnecessarily lost a lot of ball. PSV had an opportunity to score in the early stages of the match, but the ball was shot too softly. Feyenoord used the long ball to their fast forward players from behind. PSV struggled to get the organization right to eliminate the danger. Feyenoord played eagerly and cleverly, and this resulted in the lead in the 16th minute. On a quickly taken throw-in, PSV's defense did not stand well. A Feyenoord player was able to run free and his cross was easily headed in, 0-1. PSV did not get a grip on the game after that. PSV did not get a grip on the game either. PSV played too much with the ball instead of passing it around, played at too low a tempo and lost too many duels. The opportunities that did exist were not taken advantage of. PSV was not effective enough, unlike Feyenoord. In the 32nd minute, Feyenoord got another chance and it was immediately taken. After unnecessary ball loss in midfield a Feyenoord player was able to get through to the goal unchallenged. A shot into the far corner made it 0-2. Both teams went into the break with this score.

    PSV came out of the second half with the best of intentions, but the first chance fell to Feyenoord in the 37th minute. The ball ended up in the side netting. PSV were unable to make a fist of things after that and in the 44th minute Feyenoord decided the game for good. A free kick from more than 25 meters long hit the underside of the crossbar and made it 0-3. PSV tried to get back into it, but there were hardly any real opportunities. In the 61st minute PSV managed to clear the scoreboard. Fodé went through on the left and his cross was shot by Jur into the roof of the goal, 1-3. PSV then tried to reduce the deficit but lacked conviction. Feyenoord also failed to score again, so the final scoreboard read 1-3.

    A fully deserved victory for the visitors, who consolidated their leading position.

    Verhoeven, Cox, Lonwijk (Nassoh), Matuta La Nkenda Mosa, Bora Deyonge (Clabbers), De Schutter, Maatsen (Van der Burgt), Tielemans, Antonisse (N. Munsters), Braaf, Fofane.