March 7, 00:00
NAC Breda O13 logo
PSV O13 logo
  1. Match report

    Both teams were searching for the first ten minutes of the match. The first opportunity after this phase immediately yielded the lead for PSV. A long ball from Nigel was nicely taken by Jayden. With this nice approach he played himself free and ran towards the goalkeeper. With a shot into the far corner he scored the 0-1. PSV then took full control of the game. PSV had several opportunities to extend the score, but a shot by Jur hit the post and a header by Jayden went just over. One minute before half time, Amin received a second yellow card and PSV had to continue with ten men.

    Despite being outnumbered, PSV had the best chances early in the second half. However, Jayden hit the post and Nigel headed just over from a corner. In the 41st minute, the home club equalized. A NAC player could take a free hit just outside the penalty area. His shot went high into the goal, 1-1. PSV had several chances to regain the lead after this equalizer through quick bursts, a free kick and a corner kick, but they failed to score. NAC could do little in return. Five minutes before time a NAC player hit the bar from a free kick. The home team did not create any chances. In the last minute, PSV had an excellent opportunity to take the three points. The bar, the post and the goalkeeper prevented them from taking the lead, so both teams had to settle for one point.

    Verhoeven (Strijbosch), N. Munsters (Cox), Matuta La Nkenda Nosa, Lonwijk, Doudah, De Schutter, Braaf, Tielemans, Clabbers (Verschut), J. Munsters (Nassoh), Van der Burgt (Bora Deyonge).