Sept. 6, 00:00
PSV O13 logo
UNA/ Brinvast D1 logo
  1. Match report

    PSV started the match strongly and could easily find the free man from the beginning. Yet it was UNA that had a chance to take the lead in the seventh minute after PSV lost the ball. The UNA player got free in front of Robin but with a curve ball he played the ball just wide of the goal. PSV's first goal attempt came in the twelfth minute. The long distance shot was turned away by the UNA goalkeeper. One minute later, PSV took the lead. After a pass from Joost, Jur got free in front of the goalkeeper. Jur took this opportunity and scored the 1-0. PSV played the remainder of the first half strongly, had a field advantage, but hardly created any chances. The halftime score was therefore 1-0.

    PSV continued on the same footing in the second half. In the 33rd minute, Amin played himself free after a nice action. His shot was blocked by the UNA goalkeeper. One minute later Djurre went on an adventure. He slalomed through the UNA defense and passed the goalkeeper, 2-0. PSV put even more pressure on UNA and got some opportunities as a result. In the 40th minute, Thomas sent Niek away with a deep ball. His cross was tapped in by Jeremy 3-0. Moments later Joep tried to outsmart the UNA goalie from distance. However, his shot hit the crossbar. In the 49th minute UNA had an excellent opportunity to score. Peter made an excellent save on the UNA player. UNA was through and that resulted in a few more opportunities and two goals in the last ten minutes. In the 53rd minute Djurre played a nice ball to Joost. Joost played the ball through to Jeremy who scored the 4-0 with a lob. In the 57th minute Nigel tried to score with a spectacular overhead kick but his attempt just missed the goal. One minute later PSV scored again after a deep ball from Nigel to Amin. Amin got free in front of the UNA goalie and scored the 5-0 in the far corner. This was also the final score.

    Verhoeven (Strijbosch), Cox (Lonwijk), De Schutter, Lonwijk (Bora Deyonge), Van der Burgt (Verschut), Tielemans, Antonisse, Nassoh (Clabbers), Clabbers (Doudah), J. Munsters (Van der Burgt), N. Munsters.