October 4, 00:00
PSV O13 logo
Willem II O13 logo
  1. Match report

    PSV - Willem II was a match between the two frontrunners. Both teams had played four games and had not dropped a point to date.

    PSV started the match unconcentrated. In the first minute this immediately resulted in a chance for Willem II. However, the ball was tapped just wide of the goal. A few minutes later there was the first opportunity for PSV. This ball was also shot just wide of the goal. In the 8th minute it was Willem II who took the lead. A cross from the right was headed in at the far post, 0-1. PSV did not give up and scored the equalizer two minutes later after a rush by Jayden from their own half that eventually resulted in a corner. The ball was cleared by the visitors' defense but ended up with Mathijs. His shot came into the feet of Joost who shot the 1-1. PSV then unnecessarily lost a lot of ball so Willem II had several chances to score. In the 16th minute the visitors shot a free kick against the post, in the 19th minute a ball at the far post went just wide and in the 30th minute the visitors shot hard against the bar from close range. Willem II should have rewarded themselves in this phase of the match but failed to do so. The half-time score was 1-1 and it was PSV who could be most satisfied with this score.

    From the start of the second half, PSV was stronger. PSV hardly lost any balls, combined better and the visitors were forced back into their own half. In the 42nd minute this resulted in the lead. A deep ball from Mathijs to Jayden was shot into the far corner by Jayden, 2-1. PSV clearly had the better of the second half and in the 48th minute the score was extended further. After a corner by Djurre, Jeremy signed the 3-1. In the remaining part of the second half, PSV kept the upper hand but no more goals were scored. The final score was 3-1.

    Strijbosch (Verhoeven), N. Munsters (Bora Deyonge), Lonwijk, De Schutter, Cox (N. Munsters), Bora Deyonge (Van der Burgt), Tielemans (J. Munsters), Braaf (Cox), Nassoh, J. Munsters (Verschut), Antonisse.