October 3, 00:00
Excelsior Rotterdam O13 logo
PSV O13 logo
  1. Match report

    Last Tuesday PSV U13 played a league match against NAC , after a bad first half a very good 2nd half followed. If the boys can continue the upward trend, it promises to be a good day. The game against NAC was deservedly won 4-2.

    The trend of the 2nd half continued in the game against Excelsior, they started brightly, put high pressure, and wanted to get the ball back quickly when they lost it. All the boys started the match very concentrated. In the 4th minute the fierce start was rewarded with a goal. It is Joep who shoots from the 16 meter line and the ball goes over the excelsior keeper into the goal 0-1, and a reward for the fierce start. Soon after it is Dyon who almost makes the 0-2 but unfortunately it is the bale that prevents this. In the 11th minute it is the excelsior goalkeeper who leaves the 2nd post free at a free kick from 20 meters in front of the goal. Joep sees that there is space and puts the ball down well, for Jesse it is a piece of cake to nod the ball in 0-2. A little later Jesse gets another opportunity, this time from a corner, but now the ball goes just wide. In the 25th minute it seems that Excelsior's goalkeeper pushed Dylan far enough to keep him from scoring, yet Dylan manages to get the ball into the goal with a diagonal slide 0-3. In the 30th minute Kevin stopped an excelsior free kick, but in the ensuing situation excelsior scored 1-3 at halftime.

    The second half should be no problem given the first half. Yet it is excelsior that shows immediately after halftime that they do not accept defeat. The good football of the first half is no longer visible, it becomes more of a fight than a good football match. We have to give the boys credit for that when things are not going well they keep fighting for what they are worth. In the 54th minute Gioele sent Dyon away with a nice deep pass, Dyon managed to get past the goalkeeper and score 1-4. From this moment on the football gets a little better and PSV is lord and master of the field again. In the last minute it is Dyon who also manages to get the 1-5 on the scoreboard after a good solo action by Joep.

    A good victory, the boys have certainly worked very hard for it, only the level of the 2nd half against NAC and the 1st half against Excelsior has to be played a whole game. Against better opponents you can't afford such slackness. But they will work hard on that and continue the upward trend that is visible every week. Next week the opponent is MVV, they took a point against Feyenoord this weekend so the boys should be warned.