May 2, 00:00
PSV O12 logo
PEC Zwolle O12 logo
  1. Match report

    Saturday was the last league match for PSV U12, Pec Zwolle had to make the long journey to play this match. Before the match the difference between Zwolle and PSV was 1 point so the stakes were high for both teams. Zwollen started the match well and got the first chance of the match. A free kick at the start of the match looked dangerous to the cross, but luckily it went just wide. After this the game went up and down, there were no chances, it kept playing football until the 16 meters and then it was over for both teams. In the 11th minute PSV gave away too much space, allowing the Zwolle attacker to take a free shot, leaving Kevin with no chance, 0-1. PSV got into the game a bit better after this dip, Martijn managed to get Dylan free in front of the goalkeeper with a nice through ball but the Zwolle goalkeeper was also on time. Mylian tried his luck from distance but his shot went high over the goal. Joep also tried his luck with a shot but it went just over the goal of the very good Zwolle goalkeeper. In the 29th minute the deserved equalizer for PSV came anyway, from a corner Deveron managed to head the ball in with a good header, 1-1. In the last attack before half time Joep got the ball in front of the goal, Jesse just couldn't reach it, but Mylian managed to get the ball in from the other side of the pitch, Dylan headed the ball perfectly into the far corner, everyone was out of chances, so PSV went to rest with a deserved 2-1 lead.
    After halftime it was again immediately PSV that dominated the game, a cross from Joep came well to Martijn, it was a pity that he could not control the ball well otherwise PSV could have increased the lead. Deveron then came up well from behind, he himself did not realize that there was more space to run on, so his shot came too early and from too far away. 8 minutes after halftime it was Dylan who in a tangle situation in the 16 meters kept his head most cool and managed to shoot the ball in 3-1. A few minutes later a free kick from Mulian about 25 meters in front of the goal, anyone who knows Mylian knows that that is almost always a shot on goal, he surprised everyone now by putting the ball perfectly behind the defense of Zwolle, Martijn unfortunately managed to get the ball not in the net but against the side net. Also a nice attack with Joris and Dylan in the lead looked like it was going to be a goal but it ended up in the hands of the goalkeeper. So plenty of chances but unfortunately they were not taken. Lander also had to react alertly once more when a free Zwolle player stood in front of him, but with a quick reflex he just managed to tap the ball away. In the 55 minute Zwolle was able to take a goal anyway and it unintentionally became exciting again. But 2 minutes later Dylan shot a deserved penalty into the net. So a real hat-trick for Dylan today. And a deserved victory for PSV under 12.
    A few minutes before the final whistle there was a crowd change for 4 PSV players who will leave the youth academy for different reasons. Joris, Tim, Mats and Lander are going to show their football skills somewhere else next season, we are sure that the clubs where they are going to go will enjoy these top players, so we wish them lots of fun and success at their new club. And thank you boys for your always great commitment. Now a few more tournaments for the boys, and then they can enjoy a well-deserved vacation. We as staff have had a great year with you. Thanks also to the parents for your support.