May 2, 00:00
Brabant United O13 logo
PSV O13 logo
  1. Match report

    PSV started the match strongly and had most of the ball possession from the start. The beginning of the match took place almost entirely in the home club's half. Yet the first real chance came in the sixth minute. A fast breakaway gave Brabant United a free kick just outside the penalty area. This free kick went just over. PSV continued unabated but no real chances were created. PSV tried to score several times with distance shots. These shots were hardly dangerous except for Mohamed's shot. His shot was tipped against the bar by the Brabant United goalkeeper. PSV kept the better of the game and that eventually yielded the deserved lead, although it came somewhat fortuitously. A cross from Heritier was headed into his own goal by a Brabant United defender. With a score of 0-1 both teams went into halftime.

    PSV continued in the second half. After five minutes Joep doubled the lead. A deep ball from Heritier was finished off effectively by Joep, 0-2. A few minutes later Jeremy shot from outside the penalty area to make it 0-3. The game was played and PSV was able to easily play out the match. This resulted in several chances but the aim was not sharp so it remained 0-3 for a long time. In the last minute a deep ball to Jur got past the goalkeeper. Just before the goal line Jeremy managed to give the ball a final touch, 0-4.

    With this victory, the second half of the league was concluded. PSV finished third in the league after Feyenoord and Willem II.

    Strijbosch, N. Munsters (Cox), Lonwijk (Verschut), Matuta La Nkenda Nosa (Van der Burgt), Doudah (Clabbers), Tielemans (J. Munsters), Braaf (Lonwijk), Nassoh, Antonisse, De Schutter (N. Munsters), Bora Deyonge.