April 2, 00:00
PSV O14 logo
FC Volendam O14 logo
  1. Match report

    PSV started the match in a wait-and-see manner while Volendam put PSV under pressure from the first minute. After ten minutes PSV got better into the match, duels were won and slowly PSV became more dangerous. This resulted in the opening goal in the 17th minute. A cross from Thomas was worked by Jeremy with a nice header behind the Volendam goalie, 1-0. Three minutes later, PSV doubled the lead. An attack through several players eventually reached Jeremy. His cross was tapped in by the alert Jayden, 0-2. PSV seemed to have the game under control, but in the 25th minute the visitors scored the tying goal. After unnecessary ball loss in midfield the ball was played through the center of the PSV defense after which the visitors could easily score 2-1. The visitors could not enjoy this goal for long because a few minutes later a corner by Ian was tapped in at the far post by Jayden, 3-1. There was plenty of scoring in this match and just before halftime Volendam managed to reduce the deficit from a free kick from over 25 meters, 3-2. Again, the visitors could not enjoy this goal for long as PSV quickly extended the lead to 4-2. A free kick by Joost was not well cleared by the visitors. Finally it was Jayden who tapped in the 4-2. This was also the halftime score.

    In the first part of the second half, PSV was on top but hardly any chances were created. The first PSV chance in the 45th minute was a weak shot that the visitors' goalie easily parried. Three minutes later Joost conquered the ball, rounded two Volendam players and shot the 5-2. With this the match was played. PSV had the game in hand and the visitors no longer had the strength to make things difficult for PSV. In the 62nd minute, a deep ball from Mathijs was missed by the visitors' goalkeeper. The ball then came to Jeremy who shot against the hands of a Volendam defender. The penalty kick was taken by Amin, 6-2. In the 66th minute, a corner was initially cleared by the visitors. Then PSV again brought the ball into the goal mouth and from the turn Joost shot the 7-2. In injury time, a cross from Jur was tapped in by Jeremy. This made the final score 8-2.

    After a cautious start, PSV took control of the game. Nevertheless, two goals were given away too easily, allowing Volendam to come back into the game twice. In the end, the visitors were beaten by a wide margin.

    Verhoeven (Strijbosch), Cox, Matuta La Nkenda Nosa, Maatsen, Van der Burgt (Lonwijk/Bora Deyonge), De Schutter, Clabbers, Doudah, Braaf, Tielemans, Antonisse.