PSV Innovation hub

Open innovation

PSV Innovation hub

PSV Innovation Hub

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Driven by our Philips DNA: performance-driven and drive for innovation, we leverage both our own expertise and that from the Brainport Eindhoven region to use the triple helix approach (cooperation between companies, educational and knowledge institutions and government) with open innovation to realize our sporting and business goals faster and smarter.

This is because we believe that together we are stronger, because "Unity makes power". By combining expertise and innovative strength, we develop knowledge and innovative solutions that help us achieve both our sporting and business goals.

In this way, we try to outsmart our competition. And where possible, we also give this knowledge and insight back to society, for example to promote overall vitality.

Within PSV, we have three innovation platforms:

  • Sports Performance & Health
  • Smart Stadium
  • Home Experience

Sports Performance & Health
Our mission is to achieve football success at the highest possible level. To achieve this, we are working every day to promote the sports performance & health of our players.

Pitch management

Themes within Sport Performance & Health are:

  • Mental performance
  • Nutrition
  • Physical
  • Accommodation
  • Data

Smart Stadium
Our ambition is to have one of Europe's most welcoming and innovative football stadiums and training complexes must aim to facilitate the most optimal football performance as well as fan experience.

Smart Stadium

Themes within Smart Stadium are:

  • Field
  • Fan engagement
  • Data / connectivity
  • F&B
  • Crowd management & safety
  • Mobility
  • Sustainability

Home experience
With more than 3.5 billion football fans¹, football is the biggest sport worldwide. While many want to see their club live in the stadium, capacity is often limited and most supporters watch their club on TV or online. To bring these supporters even closer to their club, we are looking at how we can use innovation solutions to bring the stadium closer to the supporters at home.

Fan engagement at home

Themes within Home experience are:

  • Fan engagement
  • Data / connectivity / AR / Vr
  • F&B concepts

Want to innovate together with PSV? Then contact us using the form below.

Please fill in the information below